Friday, October 3, 2014

What happen to Skpress ??? Did you join the hot party ?

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When I was just started to learn about the TA, my 1st personal coach taught me one key indicator to spot market reversal trend, It is not either Technical analysis or Fundamental analysis... guess what ? he ask me go to wet market to buy fish, chicken and vegetable... observe those wet market TAUKE(boss) and  GULI(worker) and retire aunt also talk about what stock he bought and how much he make and so on.... this is one of the signature of market reversal ...

The second lesson from him is always reverse what 80% ppls do... give example of the supermarket great sale or big discount sale, we can see many ppls because of the prices are cheap !!! when food and cloth prices is back to higher prices or no sale and properly less ppls. but in stock market is TERBALIK !!!(English means reverse), during cheap .. not many ppls... when volume start to pick up and expensive !!! ppls come to buy and trap or cooked by ours FRIEND...

let look at the skpress, During consolidation and volume is low... not much attention from the public. this is the period and good time to join the party... I did received couple of comment in the FB said this stock prices will not go up(after I public the article)...  and so on and must wait for certain volume increase only will buy.
Refer to this link

Prices was shot up ... during the price is climbing up ! it will pull attention from public and ppls starting to ask information to figure out what is happening or some not even ask and committed to buy this stock... some cases make $ , but I can share my experience most of us will loss money if we trade stock in this manner. because big ppls is offloading to you

let take a look for this counter. after suspended for couple days, it was fell like a falling knife, if you ask my opinion what will happen next ? to me this stock is end of wave 5, most likely it need long time consolidate to go for next move up. but personally I will not committed my money to buy this stock because I am short(down trend should start) bias to this counter... again I can be wrong... and not 1st time but the probability of correct is higher than wrong.

Note : after you read this article, you still repeat this same mistake and will chasing the stock !!! because it is excited, buy the stock with low volume is very boring because the prices is flat...

Join us 1000 like even and I will share with you how to trade like a pro !!! start making profit,


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Investors should be cautious about any and all stock recommendations and should consider the source of any advice on stock selection. Various factors, including personal or corporate ownership, may influence or factor into an expert's stock analysis or opinion.
All investors are advised to conduct their own independent research into individual stocks before making a purchase decision. In addition, investors are advised that past stock performance is no guarantee of future price appreciation.

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